Exaggerating, you say? There was an accident on Broadway literally as I was walking on the West side of First Creek. See the last video for the accident!
My alternative suggestion includes many benefits being entirely ignored by the city in their "feasibility" studies.
Benefits of the ideal alignment along First Creek include:
- Improving access to / visibility to businesses at Broadway Shopping Center
- Reduced Creekside maintenance costs for property owners
- Adding to "park like" setting already invested in by private sector
- Removing "blighted" properties that encourage homeless camps (up for auction August 28, 2015)
- Reducing chemical pollution of First Creek by filtering de-icing agents, anti-freeze, oil, and other chemicals
- Reducing thermal pollution of First Creek by filtering hot parking lot runoff during storm events
- Reducing urban "heat island" effect by increasing "green" space and reducing wasted blacktop
- Reduced physical trash entry to First Creek from Broadway Shopping Center Parking lo
Health and Safety
- Reduced risk of death / accident from vehicles on Broadway
- Removing blind turns by setting street crossings back from Broadway / busy intersections
- Reduced exposure to carcinogenic motor vehicle exhaust / road dust from idling / passing vehicles
- Reduced noise pollution by moving greenway users away from Broadway
- Increased urban forest canopy via plantings in otherwise blacktop surface
- Decreased time spent waiting for traffic signals / crossing opportunities
Broadway Shopping Center Landscaping
Private investment in aesthetics has already taken place.
Stormwater Infiltration Opportunity
Stormwater management at Broadway Shopping center is dated. Retention and filtration would positively impact water quality in First Creek.
Broadway Underpass / Broadway Tunnel - West Side
Like Cumberland Avenue underpass at Third Creek, and Neyland Drive Underpass at Second Creek, there is plenty of room for a passageway through the Broadway Viaduct.
Broadway Tunnel from West Side Video
Video shows internal dimensions of the Broadway Viaduct.
The Creekside Aesthetic
Broadway Tunnel from East Side Video
Broadway Viaduct from the East Side / First Creek Park.
A problematic crossing at Broadway
Design does not mitigate the problematic crossing.
I have no idea how you could consider people putting a greenway anywhere in that area.
Unless you never visited the site in person?
Kroger Fuel Center to Fulton High School
Could have a path through here. Not suer why it's not been done already. Complete with Raccoon! You're a little bit set back from the road here, don't have to worry about all of these people making turns blindly, and crossing right here, you're at the steps to Fulton high school! Right there.
Steps of Fulton High School
From Woodland to Kroger Gas Station: the logical connection!
Idea of the Traffic Along Broadway.
Doesn't feel very safe just waiting here by the side of the street waiting to cross.
Death Awaits
There was actually an accident right on broadway while I was walking on the mortuary property! Check towards the last third of the video.
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