Thursday, March 12, 2015

The panel suggests many bold ideas, including the following
overarching recommendations:
... ■ Extend Knoxville’s greenway connection north from
World’s Fair Park.
Corridor and Greenway Connections The city has made great strides to identify and address
connectivity within the downtown and the greater urban
area. Although topography and infrastructure create barriers
in certain situations, they also offer opportunities.
The greenway initiative is a healthy initiative that appears
to have broad appeal and support. Similarly, new initiatives
have led to public and private sector improvements
in some of the major connective corridors to downtown,
including Cumberland and Magnolia Avenues. In addition
to these, the panel has identified several areas that should
be addressed to further enhance connectivity between
downtown and adjacent areas. They include connections to
and with the western and eastern portions of the city, the
Tennessee River/Lake Loudon waterfront, and a Jackson
Avenue greenway connection.
To further enhance connectivity, the panel suggests completing the
greenway initiative and connecting Knoxville’s unique cultural and
recreational amenities to the city’s eastern and western portions, the
Tennessee River, and beyond.
Though numerous
recommendations are described throughout this report,
the panel believes the following are priority recommendations
for Knoxville to begin work on immediately to guarantee
Knoxville’s ongoing and future success:
Save the park and add a greenway circuit. Preserve the
vital urban green space represented by World’s Fair
Park, and extend the pedestrian and bicycle connections
it affords to ultimately connect from the university
by the river’s edge up the Second Creek valley, through
the park to West Jackson Avenue, Old City, across
James White Parkway to a redeveloped Mountain View
community, and back to the river and on to the South
Waterfront and Urban Wilderness south of the river.

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