Friday, February 19, 2016

Cyclists speak out on debate over gas tax |

Cyclists speak out on debate over gas tax |

Now, some lawmakers are pushing an idea to ensure that money goes to improving roads and bridges only servicing cars, motorcycles, and trucks.

House Bill 1650 would restrict gas tax funds from going towards pedestrian, bicycle, and other non-vehicular facilities.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Public Meeting Feb. 24 on Fort Dickerson Park Improvements ...

Public Meeting Feb. 24 on Fort Dickerson Park Improvements ...:

Additionally, City Parks and Recreation has $275,000 in funding to improve access to the quarry lake and the overlook. City officials will be seeking input on the entrance and park improvements and provide an update on management of the quarry lake this spring.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

"Public Riverwalk at River's Edge Taking Shape"